where it all started

Making videos with my brothers (and cousin) is how i practiced wild camera movements, cheesy special effects and telling a story with video.

Pitchers edge golf simulator Promotional video

Made to promote the features and offerings of the facilities new golf simulator.

KFA Directional Video

With the goal of showing their clients where the new office was located I scripted, planned, shot and edited this video to deliver an easy to digest directional video.

Viking Rows Promotional video

This video was created by sourcing stock footage, finding a Viking voice over artist and a whole lot of sound mixing, color matching and slick editing to unify everything and bring it to life and deliver the intense feel and look the client wished to see.

Meet Ross of Craftwork Capital

Teamed up with the guys of Craftwork Capital to create a series of videos to host on their website introducing theirselves and their approach.

Meet the Investor series

I work full time at The Motley Fool creating videos like this one introducing investors to our members.

Super stroke - in the know

Worked with Buffalo Sports Agency and Super Stroke to host an interview with Sergio Garcia and compile the footage into a series of short videos for their social media channels.

Chinatown Freestyle - Music video

This was my college senior project. I wanted to do a music video because there was unlimited room for creativity with camera movement, editing and story telling. I was able to team up with a high school buddy who produces music to create this.


If you made it this far you deserve one more video from my brothers and I…and cousin.